What is the Parent Wound?
The parent wound can come from a father or mother. Parent wound is not a typical term you may hear, but it is a real factor that influences our relationships with self, friends, our work, family and our partner.
A parent wound is the loss of a sacred bond between a child and their father or mother, sometimes both. The loss of this sacred bond can be a single event or circumstance or a combination of both, including death, desertion/abandonment, divorce, incarceration, abuse, addiction and emotional absence.
The father or mother wound manifests in many different problematic ways in adulthood and can develop subtly or abruptly causing you to experience problems with boundaries, giving your power away, overperforming, feeling unworthy, shrinking to be accepted, being an emotional caretaker of others and much more.
I'M READY TO LEARN MOREThe Different Ways You Can Have a Father or Mother Wound
» You never met your father or mother
» Your father or mother is physically in your life, but emotionally absent
​» Your father or mother abandoned you after you parents got divorced/separated
» ​​Feelings of having to protect, care for, or shelter your father or mother rather than her/him protecting, caring for and sheltering you
» Your father or mother passed away when you were just a child
​» Your father or mother has been constantly in and out of your life
​» Your father or mother abandoned your family, to start another family
​» Your father or mother struggles with addiction (drugs, porn or alcohol, etc)
​» Your father or mother was/is abusive (physically, sexually and/or verbally)
​» Your father or mother was incarcerated while you were growing up
» ​Your father or mother never validated your feelings, or made you feel seen
» ​Your father or mother was always working when you were growing up
» ​You have always had a difficult time relating to your father or mother on an emotional level
You are more than the father or mother wounds you have suffered...
Allow me to help you heal your father or mother wound, from my personal experience of how I was able to heal my wounds and set myself free!

The majority of women with unhealed father or mother wounds find themselves struggling the MOST in their RELATIONSHIPS!
If you are aware of your parent wound(s) but do not take the action to heal from them, you will seek the same dynamic or the complete opposite (avoidance) in your romantic relationships as you experienced in your childhood.
Despite how long you have been dealing with your father or mother wound. You can still HEAL it. I went 16 years ignoring my father and mother wound, and found myself acting out from my wounds in so many toxic ways...
"42% of daughters with a parent wound, have parents who also have severe parent wounds, creating a generational cycle that is awaiting to be broken. "

" At the close of our last call after our 8 weeks Genell asked me to sum up how I felt our relationship was with one sentence - I thought and then said:
"You have forever changed my life."
After thinking about this - I would like to change my sentence to
"You saved my life."
If you are struggling with a parent wound- you might not even know the depths of the wound and how it has affected you. I can tell you I did not. I was in such a dark place for so long that I never thought a life with light was possible. I fully committed to Genell and the process and I am forever grateful to her and to myself for that commitment. I feel like I have been given a second chance at life. Through my work with Genell I have connected with my inner child and said goodbye to the versions of me that were in 'survival' mode. I am now in a place of peace. I am a better mother, wife, and human because of Genell. I hope to forever have Genell in my life and can truly say I see her as a soul sister...someone I was meant to meet."
– Lauren T. –
LAWYER (Florida)

Father & Mother Wound Expert, Trauma-Informed Practitioner, Retreat Host, Podcast Host, Keynote Speaker
Meet Genell Gorman,
Hi! My name is Genell, I am a daughter who has experienced immense pain and suffering from a father wound. I was able to break through the challenging traumatic cycle that most women with unaddressed mother or father wounds suffer from their whole adult life! Now I am helping adults from all over the world heal both their father and/or mother wounds, helping them come home to themselves and truly live their life to its fullest potential.
Many women with father or mother wounds may not even be aware of how their parents' emotional or physical absence have played out in their life. Others have a hard time realizing that their current life issues could be directly linked back to their parent(s) and childhood upbringing. Some people feel that they have already dealt with it or tell themselves they do not care enough about their father or mother to relive their past. Others know something is wrong, but they have no idea it is linked to their father or mother wound.
But the TRUTH IS, the pain is still there.... Deep down you know that to be true. It may be affecting you in more ways than you have imagined, NOT just on Father's or Mother's Day. Your relationships or work life may reflect otherwise... After all, unhealed parent wounds affect your personal relationships more than anything.
Initially I started my business solely coaching others with father wounds, but throughout the healing process with my clients, it became very clear many of these amazing clients also suffered from having had a mother wound as well and so my focus shifted to incorporate both father and mother wounds. Much to my surprise through doing this deep work, there was the realization that I too had a mother wound I needed to address and so I did.
I welcome the opportunity to work with you through the healing process to reclaim yourself and the life you truly want to cultivate.

"Most daughters with unresolved parent wounds have a hard time letting go or detaching due to the abandonment that arises from their father or mothers emotional or physical absence."
By working with me one-on-one you will...

Be seen and heard in ways you possibly never have before, and learn how to cultivate the way you want to be seen and heard by others.

Leave each session with personalized action steps, tools, and practices to move you towards your goals of healing.

Gain clarity on thought patterns and behaviors that hold you back from being the divine being that is waiting to be released from within.

Learn how to rewire your thoughts and fix repeated unfulfilling patterns that you keep finding yourself in.

Create new ways to express and hold your boundaries with yourself and others, see that impact both in your professional and personal life.

Learn the tools needed to heal your father or mother wound, and move forward from all of your suppressed pain.
Negative coping methods of unhealed father or mother wounds:
1. Feel the need to control your environment or others in your life
2. Sexual promiscuity for external validation
3. Fear of Intimacy or fully committing
4. Sexual Avoidance
5. Overworking or over performing
6. Accepting toxic behavior
​7. Depression
​8. Suicidal Ideation
​9. Eating disorders
10. ​Self-harming
The results of negative coping methods:
​✔ Fear of abandonment - Fear of Being Alone
✔ ​Difficulty allowing thriving and healthy relationships into your life
âś” Suppressed anger & Resentment leading to DISPLACED emotions
​✔ ​Fear of Trusting Others
​✔ Feeling burnt out and/or defeated
​✔ Difficultly setting boundaries or being too rigid with them
​✔ Feeling stuck, or competitive with others
âś” Self-sabotaging from receiving great opportunities
âś” ​Low Self-esteem, feeling like nothing you do is ever enough….
✔ ​People Pleasing
​✔ Codependency resulting in giving away your power for TEMPORARY validation
✔ ​Toxic and Unhealthy Trauma Bond Relationships

NOT healing the father or mother wound is enormously expensive and painful on many personal and emotional levels.
Many past clients have come to me when they realize their personal relationships are struggling with triggers created by their father or mother wound, in addition to those who have a hard time finding emotionally available partners or allowing healthy relationships on their life.
Book Your Connect Call, Let's TalkHow Does the Private Mentorship Program Compare To Self-help or Working with a therapist?

Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of The Parent Wound Mentorship Program
This Parent Wound Mentorship Program is PERFECT for you if you are:
âś” Someone who is ready to dive deep into healing and create the life you have always wanted
​✔ Ready to show up greater in all areas of your life (work & personal life)​
âś” Ready to stop overworking yourself and feeling like nothing you do is enough
​✔ Tired of holding onto the pain or resentment that your mother or father left you with...
​✔ Ready to learn how to set healthy boundaries with yourself and others
​✔ Ready to leave your father or mother wound behind you
✔ ​Ready to put the work into transforming your life and rewiring your subconscious mind
​✔ Tired of allowing triggers from your father or mother wound to affect your current or future relationships
✔ ​​Ready to stop attracting partners who are emotionally or physically unavailable
âś” You are ready to break the cycle of dating unhealthy partners or avoiding relationships all together
​✔ Ready to attract a conscious loving healthy relationship with a partner who is emotionally available to you
​✔ Ready to get rid of your self-limiting beliefs and self sabotaging negative thoughts
​✔ Ready to create a lasting relationship with your inner child
✔ ​Crave to understand how generational traits and behaviors were passed down from your parents to you
If you could relate to any of these statements above, even just one of them, The Parent Wound Mentorship Program is for you.
Book Your Connect Call, Let's Talk

"I will be forever grateful to have come across Genell's posts on Instagram, and that I got to work with her one-on-one for 8 weeks on the process of healing a father wound. I don't say this lightly, but the experience I have had with Genell has truly been life changing.
Genell's approach is present, warm, open, energetic, encouraging, heart-led, and honest. I found it very refreshing. She meets you where you are and guides you on an incredible path of self-transformation and healing.
I had wanted to work through these issues for many years, but I hadn't really known how to approach them. Working with Genell, I felt that I was in very safe hands and was able to open up and release painful emotions that I had held in for so long. The experience was freeing and life-changing, and I was truly amazed at all the ways I grew and healed from my father wound over the 8 weeks. After years of therapy, the process felt expedited, and not a moment too soon.
I truly feel lasting change as a result of having worked with Genell. I have a concrete sense of my value and a lot of practical tips to grow and continue to heal and enjoy the process going forward. I can't recommend her highly enough for anyone wanting to heal a parent wound."
– Anne-Marie A. –
Who is Genell Gorman?
More about my transformation

Since my journey began I have engaged in intensive one-on-one psychotherapy,
wellness retreats focused on healing parent wounds, transformational breathwork, quantum inner-child work, neurodivergent training, childhood sexual abuse & incest training, clinical trauma specialist programs, love addiction recovery programs, somatic healing exercises, self love & childhood abandonment workshops, and many meditation practices.
I dove deep into healing my parent wounds and self limiting beliefs that we holding me back from stepping into my power. Through this process I learned how to truly accept and love myself unconditionally. When this wound is addressed your life takes on a whole new perspective, you are able to live with love in your heart, attracting those relationships your heart has always yearned for and creating a loving relationship with yourself.
I reclaimed the woman I was always meant to be in this lifetime. I realized the secret to attracting everything I ever wanted was through HEALING my parent wounds and coming home to myself.
I welcome the opportunity to work with you through the healing process to reclaim yourself and your life!
Book Your Connect Call, Let's Talk

What Past Graduates Are Saying
Emma F.
Ashburn, VA
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Father Or Mother Wound?
Why Personalized Mentoring Is Effective?
What Is Parent Wound Mentoring?
How Do I Know 1:1 Parent Wound Mentoring Is Right For Me?
How 1:1 Parent Wound Mentoring Works?
How Long is the Parent Wound Mentorship Program?

What Past Graduates Are Saying

"I am so glad I completed Genell's Parent Wound Mentorship Program. In the beginning I was quite skeptical. I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I suffered greatly with self confidence, speaking to strangers, especially someone half way across the world!! Nothing was too much for Genell, not even our 8 hour time difference. Genell was my real life ANGEL and I am so happy I found her and believe it was meant to be. After taking this course I feel a huge difference in my self confidence and I can truly say I love myself, which is HUGE for me. I went through my life blaming myself for my fathers abandonment, I now have a completely different perspective. I want to recommend this course for anybody who is thinking about it, are undecided if whether or not they want to do it, DO IT. Please do it. I am so happy and so glad that I did."