In a group setting with

Genell Gorman

In a group setting with Genell Gorman

What is the Parent Wound?

The parent wound can come from a father or mother. Parent wound is not a typical term you may hear, but it is a real factor that influences our relationships with self, friends, our work, family and our partner.

A parent wound is the loss of a sacred bond between a child and their father or mother, sometimes both. The loss of this sacred bond can be a single event or circumstance or a combination of both, including death, desertion/abandonment, divorce, incarceration, abuse, addiction and emotional absence.

The father or mother wound manifests in many different problematic ways in adulthood and can develop subtly or abruptly causing you to experience problems with boundaries, giving your power away, overperforming, feeling unworthy, shrinking to be accepted, being an emotional caretaker of others and much more.


The Different Ways You Can Have a Father or Mother Wound

» You never met your father or mother
» Your father or mother is physically in your life, but emotionally absent
​» Your father or mother abandoned you after you parents got divorced/separated
» ​​Feelings of having to protect, care for, or shelter your father or mother rather than her/him protecting, caring for and sheltering you
» Your father or mother passed away when you were just a child
​» Your father or mother has been constantly in and out of your life
​» Your father or mother abandoned your family, to start another family

​» Your father or mother struggles with addiction (drugs, porn or alcohol, etc)
​» Your father or mother was/is abusive (physically, sexually and/or verbally)
​» Your father or mother was incarcerated while you were growing up
» ​Your father or mother never validated your feelings, or made you feel seen
» ​Your father or mother was always working when you were growing up
» ​You have always had a difficult time relating to your father or mother on an emotional level

You are more than the father or mother wounds you have suffered...

Allow me to help you heal your father or mother wound, from my personal experience of how I was able to heal my wounds and set myself free!


The majority of people with unaddressed father or mother wounds find themselves struggling the MOST in their relationships!!

If you are aware of your parent wound(s) but do not take the action to heal from them, you will seek the same dynamic or the complete opposite (avoidance) in your romantic relationships as you experienced in your childhood.

Despite how long you have been dealing with your father or mother wound. You can still HEAL it. I went 16 years ignoring my father and mother wound, and found myself acting out from my wounds in so many toxic ways...

" 42% of daughters with a parent wound, have parents who also have severe parent wounds, creating a generational cycle that is awaiting to be broken."


What Past Students Are Saying

"Genell truly had a gift in helping heal the parent wound! She facilitated a shamanic Breathwork session for me virtually & WOW is all I can say! I had a powerful breakthrough & emotional release that helped me let go of so much of my past trauma. I’m so grateful for her support & 100% suggest anyone to work with her!"

– Diana Maybrook –

Father & Mother Wound Expert, Certified Trauma-Informed Practitioner, Breathwork Facilitator, Retreat and Podcast Host

Meet Genell Gorman,

Hi! My name is Genell, I am a daughter who has experienced immense pain and suffering from a father wound. I was able to break through the challenging traumatic cycle that most women with unaddressed mother or father wounds suffer from their whole adult life! Now I am helping adults from all over the world heal both their father and/or mother wounds, helping them come home to themselves and truly live their life to its fullest potential.

Many women with father or mother wounds may not even be aware of how their parents' emotional or physical absence have played out in their life. Others have a hard time realizing that their current life issues could be directly linked back to their parent(s) and childhood upbringing. Some people feel that they have already dealt with it or tell themselves they do not care enough about their father or mother to relive their past. Others know something is wrong, but they have no idea it is linked to their father or mother wound.

But the TRUTH IS, the pain is still there.... Deep down you know that to be true. It may be affecting you in more ways than you have imagined, NOT just on Father's or Mother's Day. Your relationships or work life may reflect otherwise... After all, unhealed parent wounds affect your personal relationships more than anything.

Initially I started my business solely coaching others with father wounds, but throughout the healing process with my clients, it became very clear many of these amazing clients also suffered from having had a mother wound as well and so my focus shifted to incorporate both father and mother wounds. Much to my surprise through doing this deep work, there was the realization that I too had a mother wound I needed to address and so I did.

I welcome the opportunity to work with you through the healing process to reclaim yourself and the life you truly want to cultivate.


"Most daughters with unresolved parent wounds have a hard time letting go or detaching due to the abandonment that arises from their father or mothers emotional or physical absence."

Let's Address Your :

âś” Triggers that come with having a parent wound
​✔ Fear of abandonment
âś” â€‹Fear of intimacy
​✔ Lack of setting healthy boundaries with others
âś” â€‹Wounded inner child
​✔ Relationship with yourself
âś” Romantic relationship (future or present)
​✔ Relationship with your spirit
âś” â€‹Attachment style (anxious or avoidant tendencies)
​✔ And much more

The results of negative coping methods:

âś• Isolation
âś• Sexual promiscuity for external validation and acceptance
âś• Accepting toxic behavior from others
​​✕ Living with a lot of anger and resentment pent up inside of you
âś• People pleasing in order to feel "enough"
​✕ Using drugs and alcohol to suppress and numb your pain
​✕ Living with a lot of negative self-talk/ mean inner critic
​✕ Having a strong fear of abandonment or being alone...
​✕ Avoiding relationships or getting to close to others, due to feeling you cannot trust others
✕ ​Deep fear of true intimacy
​✕ Depression
âś• â€‹Binge eating or suppressing
​✕ Eating disorders
✕ ​Self harming to try and cope with your pain


NOT healing the father or mother wound is enormously expensive and painful on many levels.

Many past clients have come to me when they realize their personal relationships with themselves or others are struggling with triggers created by their father or mother wound, in addition to those who have a hard time finding emotionally available partners.


Parent Wound Healing Group Coaching



Not having your basic emotional needs met by your father or mother during childhood can impact you well into adulthood. Healing the father or mother wound is a journey that can last a lifetime. I invite you to take a bold step toward healing today and begin to reclaim your life...


This 8 week deep dive is a transformational hybrid online group coaching program taught exclusively by Genell Gorman. A program cultivated to help provide you with what you need to heal your father or mother wound and let go of the past and be fully in the present!

In the program we will address your parent wound/s and other self-limiting beliefs you may have and go through a deep healing and transformation process.

As a collective, we will come together and address our father or mother wound using my proven 4 phases of transformation. These steps have already helped MANY women heal when it comes to letting go of their pain and the beliefs that their father or mother has left them with.

This program is for the person that is ready to create the change she desires and to finally put the pain from her father or mother to rest. Let go and choose herself.. Let's set you free! What better way to heal, than being surrounded by others who are working on healing their father and mother wounds as well!


This Parent Wound Healing Program is PERFECT for you if you are:

âś” Someone who is ready to dive deep into healing and create the life you have always wanted
​✔ Ready to show up greater in all areas of your life (work & personal life)
​✔ Tired of your unhealed father or mother wound that is standing in the way of your destiny
​✔ Tired of holding onto the pain or resentment that your mother or father left you with...
​✔ Ready to learn how to set healthy boundaries with yourself and others
​✔ Ready to leave your father or mother wound behind you
✔ ​Ready to put the work into transforming your life and rewiring your subconscious mind
​✔ Tired of allowing triggers from your father or mother wound to affect your current or future relationships
✔ ​​Ready to stop attracting partners who are emotionally unavailable
âś” You are ready to break the cycle of dating unhealthy partners or avoiding relationships all together
​✔ Ready to attract a conscious loving healthy relationship with a partner who is emotionally available to you
​✔ Ready to get rid of your self-limiting beliefs and self sabotaging negative thoughts
​✔ Ready to create a lasting relationship with your inner child
✔ ​Crave to understand how generational traits and behaviors were passed down from your parents to you

If you could relate to any of these statements above, even just one of them, The Parent Wound Healing Program is for you.


How Does Parent Wound Group Coaching Compare To Working With me 1-on-1?

What Our Students Are Saying

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Mattea Hankins

Albuquerque, NM

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Danielle Radix

Oconomowoc, WI

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Mattea Hankins

Albuquerque, NM

Danielle Radix

Oconomowoc, WI

Ariel Whitely

Lawrence, KS

With the 4 powerful phases of transformation, you will acquire the tools and exercises that are necessary to provide you with the tools to help you address your father or mother wound. We will first start by getting to the deep core of what happened, what parenting style you were brought up in, and how that affected you subconsciously. From there we will distinguish the WHY and learn to accept OURSELVES.. so we can be set free. It's time you live a happy and fulfilling life! You deserve it.


Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of The Parent Wound Healing Journey Group Coaching

Who is Genell Gorman?

More about my transformation

Hi you beautiful soul! I'm Genell Gorman and I have been on my father wound journey for quite some time, 17 years to be exact.

It all started when my father passed away when I was 9 years old. I went through my whole childhood into adolescence, acting as if his physical and emotional absence didn't affect me...Who was I fooling?

I spent years avoiding my father wound in hopes that it would just go away. I avoided my father wound at all costs. I found myself numbing those feelings in many harmful ways. Such as being a workaholic, found myself in toxic relationships with emotionally unavailable men, using promiscuity to try and feel "accepted" and dabbling in drugs and alcohol. Growing up I felt like I was already set up for failure, without having a present father in my life. I had to create my own survival guide.

After all, every child is supposed to have an emotionally and present father and mother, when that doesn't happen we feel like we have to create a survival guide for getting by in life.

Eventually I looked closely at the challenges in my life, especially in my relationships... they all brought me back to the painful patterns and limiting beliefs that originated in my relationship with my father. It wasn’t until I gathered the courage and support I needed to face my father wound directly that everything changed.

Hi you beautiful soul! I'm Genell Gorman and I have been on my father wound journey for quite some time, 17 years to be exact.

It all started when my father passed away when I was 9 years old. I went through my whole childhood into adolescence, acting as if his physical and emotional absence didn't affect me...Who was I fooling?

I spent years avoiding my father wound in hopes that it would just go away. I avoided my father wound at all costs. I found myself numbing those feelings in many harmful ways. Such as being a workaholic, found myself in toxic relationships with emotionally unavailable men, using promiscuity to try and feel "accepted" and dabbling in drugs and alcohol. Growing up I felt like I was already set up for failure, without having a present father in my life. I had to create my own survival guide.

After all, every child is supposed to have an emotionally and present father and mother, when that doesn't happen we feel like we have to create a survival guide for getting by in life.

Eventually I looked closely at the challenges in my life, especially in my relationships... they all brought me back to the painful patterns and limiting beliefs that originated in my relationship with my father. It wasn’t until I gathered the courage and support I needed to face my father wound directly that everything changed.

Since my journey began I have engaged in intensive one-on-one psychotherapy, wellness retreats focused on healing parent wounds, breathwork, quantum inner-child work, clinical trauma specialist programs, love addiction recovery courses, somatic healing exercises, self love & childhood abandonment workshops, and many meditation practices.

I dove deep into healing my parent wounds and self limiting beliefs. Through this process I learned how to truly accept and love myself. When this wound is addressed your life takes on a whole new perspective, you are able to live with love in your heart, attracting those relationships your heart has always yearned for.

I reclaimed the woman I was always meant to be in this lifetime. I realized the secret to attracting everything I ever wanted was through HEALING my parent wounds and coming home to myself.
I welcome the opportunity to work with you through the healing process of reclaiming yourself and your life!


"I went 25 years thinking that growing up without a father being present did not affect me and I thought I was absolutely fine. Until I realized I just kept pursuing men who weren't emotionally available and couldn't commit, it got to the point I was at the end of my rope.

Thank God I found Genell on Instagram while she was taking enrollments for this course. I did it thank god!! The program was absolutely LIFE CHANGING and that's even an understatement. Genell showed us many tools when it comes to healing. It was so worth the investment!!"

– Mattea –

Here is the tried, tested, & proven BLUEPRINT to address your Father OR Mother wound and living your dream life:


Phase 1

Understanding how you got here - Building a strong foundation

You can’t be expected to build the house of your dreams without first setting up a strong foundation to build it on. In the FOUNDATION phase of the program, we’re going to set powerful intentions that we will focus on throughout the next 7 weeks. In order for change to occur we need to first learn and address the fundamentals which include the construct of our current situation.

⟣ Learning how to create a safe space for the next 7 weeks
​⟣ Go over ground rules
​⟣ Set an intention for the program
​⟣ Creating and setting a large foundation that regulates your nervous system
⟣ Acknowledge where you are in this moment of your life

Phase 2

Unlearn and release everything that you thought you knew

It is important for us to realize that everything we learned as a child, may not have always been in our best interest. Throughout these couple of weeks we will begin to release and re-learn the way we have been programmed to do things our ENTIRE life.

⟣ Releasing your protective self and stepping into who you have been destined to be
​⟣ Getting clear on what we needed most from your childhood and what you still need today
​⟣ Stepping deeper into your authentic self

Phase 3

Develop new thought patterns and rewire your brain

Our brains are beyond powerful. It is capable of generating the highest level of consciousness and the mental processes by which we perceive, act, learn, and remember. After we’ve released the pain and hurt that has been preventing love and light from shining through us, it’s time to dive into the REWIRE phase where we will learn tools and exercises that will help us live a better life!

⟣ Addressing the mother or father wound 
​⟣ Releasing the energetics of your father or mother wound and taking back your power
​⟣ Learning the power of expressing your sacred rage 

​⟣ Cultivate a deep connection with your inner child
​⟣ The importance of re-parenting

Phase 4

Integrate teachings that create change in the healing process

Within these last couple of weeks you will be able to continue to integrate and learn how to implement all of the tools you've learned to your every day life. You will learn how to attract the perfect partner or better the relationship you are currently in. In addition to making sure you fill your own cup up before anyone else's.

⟣ Learning how to set healthy boundaries with yourself and others
​⟣ How to attract a healthy relationship or better the relationship you are currently in
​⟣ Masculine & Feminine energy
​⟣ ​Sharing vision boards


What Our Students Are Saying

Let's Paint Your Future Outcome Together

What if?

  • you did this program and your entire life transformed.
  • you can choose to take the steps to begin to heal your own mother or father wound and make sure that you don’t continue to pass on this hurt to your children or future children.
  • you made this 8 week commitment to healing and you could finally let go of the pain that your father or mother caused you.
  • you finally were able to live life for YOU and nobody else.
  • this program was everything you needed to move forward in life, learning how to love and accept yourself authentically. 

What would happen if?

  • you attracted that healthy relationship with an emotionally available partner that your soul has been yearning for. Or if you could better the relationship you have with your partner.
  • you could learn how to heal the triggers that you find yourself projecting onto your loved ones, that are hindering your relationship.


Can You Believe It?


If you made it this far down the page, it’s probably because you’re considering joining The Parent Wound Journey Coaching Program

You might be asking yourself how things will be different… worried you might invest in this program and not see any results.

I know we don’t know each other yet, but I can promise you this: There is nothing I leave out of the Parent Wound Coaching Program when it comes to helping you heal, address and transform your reality.

This Parent Wound Coaching Program is where your long journey of seeing very little results for your investment ENDS.

I know it’s a big commitment, and you might be feeling a little scared right now…But let me ask you this: If fear, pain and suffering hasn't yet given you the results that you are looking for… why not try something new?

Come witness what happens when you decide to fully invest in your healing and take action on what you truly deserve most in life.

Parent Wound Group Coaching

Tuesday, June 18th @ 5PM (PST) / 8PM (EST)

10 weekly meetings on Tuesday evenings









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Feel the full body YES!

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CELEBRATE your new healing journey that awaits you!

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What Our Students Are Saying


"Right away when Genell and I started having conversations, I just felt she was somebody who understood what I was going through, being somebody who grew up my entire life without knowing my father and struggling with that into adulthood.

I can honestly say this course has been life changing. It has been such a wonderful experience for me. I was not in a great place when I started this course, after completing it I now feel like a completely different person!! This course allowed me to stop going to therapy every week. I would highly recommend her class for anyone who is struggling with a fatherless daughter wound or a parent wound !!"

– Ariel –

What Our Students Are Saying

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Mary Hamilton

Scotland, UK

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Mary Hamilton

Scotland, UK

Manuela Pop

Portland, OR