She Healed Her Father Wound & Found Her Husband!
Aug 03, 2023Are you sick and tired of attracting the same types of unavailable men... the ones where initially they will show interest, yet as you begin to attach and show interest back they DISAPPEAR or withdraw from contact by coming up with various excuses.
Maybe you find yourself running from the "good guys" but always find yourself attracted to the OTHER guy... the one who you know is NOT your husband, won't fully commit... BUT for some reason something inside of you keeps you in that same cycle... over and over again...
If you are reading this, thinking... YUP this is me and I'm sick of it!! I want to let you know that I know EXACTLY how you feel. Prior to addressing and healing my father wound I would constantly entertain partners who I knew deeeep down were not "the one" or I would find myself in relationships with men that I just wasn't truly interested in or even worse, men that I thought I could "change"...
My client above, came to me as a successful working professional with all areas of her life flourishing BUT could not for the life of her find a relationship with a guy that was available and wanting the same.
She grew up with a physically present father in her household, but did not receive the emotionally needs she needed from him as a child... causing her to stay in the same loop when it came to her dating life.
After working with me for three months, just six months after she met her NOW fiance... attracting her dream guy, a guy who truly cares for her needs, provides and treats her like the queen that she is. 👑
When we find ourselves in these types of cycles it is easy for us to blame the men that we keep attracting, but I am here to tell you there is so much more depth than just that... it wasn't until I got honest to myself about whether or not I was truly available for the type of person I claimed I wanted... the deeper I went into my own past the more I realized I was constantly attracting emotionally unavailable partners the SAME way my father was emotionally unavailable to me due to his own addiction...
➡️ We often subconsciously seek the SAME dynamic in our romantic relationships as we experienced in our childhood. You may have an unconscious wish to repair your father wound by having a relationship with a person that creates similar and familiar feelings within you as you experienced with your own father (whether he was absent or emotionally unavailable).
In order for you to break this what feels like "curse", you must get REAL and honest with yourself about the wound that has not been addressed.
The only way to stop this cycle is by doing the work to heal from what is keeping you feeling stuck. It's a journey that will liberate and free you from your past. YOU ARE WORTH IT!